Energy Orgasms Waiver

Please take a moment to read and sign our participation waiver.

If you have any questions, Click here to send us a message.

Assumption of Risks, Release of Claims, and Indemnification Agreement 

NVK CONSULTING LLC (dba "Energy Orgasms") offers holistic healing and wellness services to include, but not limited to physical touch, tantric touch, energy work, reiki, kundalini activation, breathworks, yoga, sound meditation, sound baths, dance, stretching, cacao ceremonies, live music performances and other workshops and therapeutic services and facilities that may pose a risk to injury ("Energy Orgasms Services" or "Energy Orgasms Activities"). Energy Orgasms Practice is not a form of massage therapy, and it does not encompass or entail massage techniques.

Before any person is permitted to participate in any Energy Orgasms Services, each participant must read and agree to this Assumption of Risks, Release of Claims, and Indemnification Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this Release, you will not be permitted to participate in any Energy Orgasms Services. BY SIGNING THIS RELEASE, YOU WAIVE IMPORTANT LEGAL RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO SUE. YOU CERTIFY THAT: (1) YOU UNDERSTAND THIS RELEASE; (2) YOU HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS RELEASE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT, LIMITATION, ITS PROVISIONS RELATED TO ASSUMPTION OF RISKS, RELEASE OF CLAIMS, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, AND INDEMNITY; AND (3) YOU FREELY ACCEPT AND AGREE TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY THIS RELEASE. 

The Participant acknowledges that the Participant has had the opportunity to ask questions and obtain desired information regarding Energy Orgasms Services to the Participant's satisfaction. THE PARTICIPANT VOLUNTARILY ASSUMES ALL RISKS, KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, RELATED TO, RESULTING FROM, OR ARISING OUT OF THE PARTICIPANT'S ATTENDANCE AT OR PARTICIPATION IN Energy Orgasms ACTIVITIES EVEN WHERE SUCH HARM FROM THESE RISKS ARISES FROM NEGLIGENCE. 

The Participant acknowledges and agrees that Energy Orgasms Services include the use of different types of equipment related to the Energy Orgasms Services and Energy Orgasms Activities and related activities that involve certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of care taken to avoid injuries. Risks of Energy Orgasms Services vary depending on the circumstances, may increase by incorrectly using or misusing the equipment and may include occurrences related to the Energy Orgasms Services or substances emanated from, or used to operate or maintain associated equipment, in addition to the other risks associated with all Energy Orgasms Activities. 

The Participant acknowledges and agrees that the Participant is solely responsible for consulting with a physician or health professional prior to and regarding the Participant's use of Energy Orgasms Services, and that neither Energy Orgasms nor any of the Owners, Managers, Staff, or Members have made any representations or warranties as to the results that may be obtained from use of Energy Orgasms Services, or as to the advisability of the Participant's participation in such activities. If any of the following apply to or are experienced by the Participant, the Participant will not use, and will immediately discontinue further use of all Energy Orgasms Services unless and until the Participant's physician or licensed health professional approves the Participant's participation in such activities: use of prescription medication; cardiovascular conditions, including use of a pacemaker or defibrillator; substance abuse; chronic conditions; joint injury or any infections; surgical implants; pregnancy; hemophilia; fever; heat sensitivity; or dizziness, pain, or discomfort during or participation in any Energy Orgasms Activities.

Consent to Use of Photography. The Participant acknowledges and agrees that Energy Orgasms may take photographs and videos of Energy Orgasms Services, including the Participant in the promotion of Energy Orgasms and the Energy Orgasms Services on one or more of its social media platforms. The Participant grants Energy Orgasms an irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, fully-paid right and license to use, copy, distribute, or duplicate such photographs and videos, including, without limitation, by posting such photographs and videos to Energy Orgasms websites, social media platforms, or other marketing or advertising channels. 

FACILITATOR TRAINING ONLY - Consent to Responsible Practice. I understand and agree that successful completion of the facilitator training program certifies me to provide Energy Orgasms™ experiences following the guidelines and limitations outlined here and in the training resources. I understand that I am not authorized to teach others to become facilitators or share training materials for this purpose. I agree not to use these resources to instruct others in becoming facilitators, nor to copy, transmit, or use the materials for any purpose other than providing Energy Orgasms™ experiences.

By your acknowledging this document, you certify that you have read and understood the contents of this Release, agree to its terms, and have either consulted with legal counsel or knowingly and voluntarily waived your right to do so. This Release constitutes a legal waiver for the Energy Orgasms Activities on or about the date of signature and all future Energy Orgasms Activities that you participate in at the Energy Orgasms' facility or elsewhere. This Release remains in effect until terminated in writing to Energy Orgasms. Consent to responsible practice may not be terminated.


Your signature confirms the following: 

I am 18 years of age or older. 

I am NOT pregnant. 

I am NOT under monitoring for mental health conditions.

I am NOT currently using prescription medication for the management of mental health conditions. 

I understand and agree that nudity and touching of intimate parts are PROHIBITED as part of Energy Orgasms TM services and Energy Orgasms TM activities.

Sign the Waiver

My signature indicates that I have read and agree to the Assumption of Risks, Release of Claims, and Indemnification Agreement

Next Online Training

May 17-19


Types of the conscious touch

Fundamentals of the Tantra Tradition

Fundamentals of the Kundalini Activation

Complete understanding of the Energetics,
Sexual Energy and the Nervous system

Anatomy, psychology, and science of Orgasms

Art of setting up Intentions

The Power of Integration - Soul Detectives

Social media Branding, Marketing & Sales

Mastery of Energy Orgasms Facilitator Certification

Option to Include Six Months of Facilitator Coaching from Natalya

  • Group Calls

  • Community Chat

  • Personal Development

  • Quick Answers

  • Marketing Strategies

  • Support with Clients